Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jane Bown 'Exposures'

I started taking pictures in 1978 after my parents gave me a Zenith E for Christmas. I suppose my uncle John in Australia also inspired me to be a photographer but more by the stories of his glorious Australian lifestyle than the pictures themselves. It was't news or sports photography that interested me anyway. It was the portraits of Jane Bown published each week in the Sunday Observer. Her portraits were starkly graphic and visually simple. You may have seen hundreds of pictures of any one of her subjects but never one like hers. At the time I was 13 and unable to articulate the sensitivity and emotion that Jane was able to deliver every week in her portraits, and it hadn't really struck me that she was 'a woman in a mans world' competing with male photographers. I was only aware of my desire to photograph like her. This was what I wanted to do. When she stopped taking pictures I would take over, get a job on The Observer and that would be it. All very possible as far as I was concerned. Then years later I realised those male contemporaries of hers were running to keep up, she wasn't competing at all. She was and is an artist despite her own insistence that she's a 'hack'. Perhaps that was a term she used just to provide for herself a place of safety in which she could work. Each week being left to do her own thing and deliver another beautiful portrait for her editor and the their readers unencumbered by the pressures put on an artist to deliver a new kind of genius in every new piece of work. Jane Bown's new book 'Exposures' makes a beautiful collection of portraits both published and until now, unselected from a vast archive of contact sheets. The book shows an incredible range of subjects over a long career. Above all it reminds us of her real genius, a unique view point and insight that she delivered again and again.

If that is the job of the 'hack' then I aspire to be a hack and leave the attempt at art to other photographers.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Erin Quinn - 'Dreaming'

Photographer Erin Quinn has made a beautiful series of images. She asked people to record their dreams and write down the most vivid of them on a card for the photograph. She photographed each person in their own bed. With simple lighting and her sensitive approach she has created an atmosphere which for me sums up those few glorious moments between waking and actually getting up. The images are available to view at www.wooloo.org/erinquinn


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's a wake up call for the whole country David!

I was looking through my archive recently and found this ad from a series I did with John Martin for Newstalk back in about 2003?? In years to come our kids may not remember the names of the 4-in-a row Kilkenny hurling team but they'll be taught the name of David McWilliams. And the Geansaí? Well the marketing director at Newstalk was really into the idea of photographing David in his 'Saturday' jersey to make him look more 'approachable'. It wasn't the right look really and even David's wife called the show to say that she thought she'd given it to Oxfam! Oh happy, happy, spend-thrift days.


Lifestyle photography,  Dublin, Ireland,   commercial photography,  still life photographer, casting, billboard photography,  food photography, dublin photographer, ireland, food and drinks photography, people and places photographer, on location photography, portraits, studio photographer, Editorial photography, retouching, high resolution imaging, food packaging, advertising photographer, liquid photography, product photographer, still life photography, leaf capture, high definition photography, large format photography,  clients - Cawley Nea, Ogilvy,  Irish International, Brando, BMW, Rothco, McCann Erickson, Bank of Ireland, Barrys Tea, Bord Gais, Carmen wines - Edward Dillon, Image magazine, Dr Oetker, ESB Electric Ireland, Guinness / Diageo, Irish Examiner, Kerry Foods, Ulster Bank, Cara Magazine, Aer Lingus

Landscape Photographer, Eoghan Kavanagh

Since opening a studio in Dublin in ‘95, Eoghan has worked extensively in commercial photography for design and advertising clients. His passion though has always been Landscape Photography and in 2005 he began exhibiting his portfolio throughout Ireland.

Eoghan has since relocated to Kenmare, Co. Kerry and established the Gallery there. Living in close proximity to some of Ireland’s most magnificent locations has allowed him the freedom to frequently expand his collection.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fragrances shoot for Arnotts Magazine Published by Image

Here is a selection from a recent shoot for Arnotts department store in Dublin. We shot the bottles on vinyl sheets in various colours and then used two Profoto Strip lights to create some interesting highlights and sharp reflections. Fortunately the print quality of the magazine did them justice.



Product photographer, Editorial photography, Dublin, Ireland, Cara Magazine, lifestyle photography,  commercial photography, Image magazine, still life photographer, casting, billboard photography, advertising photographer, food photography, dublin photographer, ireland, food and drinks photography, people and places photographer, on location photography, portraits, studio photographer, retouching, high resolution imaging, food packaging, liquid photography, still life photography, high definition photography, large format photography, leaf capture, clients - Cawley Nea, Ogilvy,  Irish International, Brando, BMW, Rothco, McCann Erickson, Bank of Ireland, Barrys Tea, Bord Gais, Carmen wines - Edward Dillon, Dr Oetker, ESB Electric Ireland, Guinness / Diageo, Irish Examiner, Kerry Foods, Ulster Bank, Aer Lingus

Happy Days with Jon Steed On Bulmers



Monday, November 15, 2010

Model Maker Jon Steed has died.

Jon Steed, model maker died earlier today. He was a great friend for the last 20 years and a great model maker. We worked together on many Irish ad campaigns and he had just completed work on models for a campaign I am shooting in the coming weeks. I met him for lunch a few weeks ago in Islington to discuss the job and we had a great chat and a good lunch together. I'll miss him very much and I send my love to his family. A fantastic bloke and a highly talented man will be missed.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Image Man Portraits

I'm really happy with the spread in Image Man, a supplement in the Sunday Business Post last week-end. Thanks to Richard Power for commissioning me and Ingmar Kiang for staying the day to help, interview and coax our subjects along. I hope this may be a regularly commissioned magazine by Image Publications for L'Oréal.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

RIP Duffy

Sleep well Duffy, I wanted to shoot like you when I started taking pictures in 1978. To be able to shoot ads and record covers and incredible reportage as well as you was my goal back then.
(image courtesy http://www.duffyphotographer.com/)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Patrick Demarchelier Photographer

Emma Watson Shot by Patrick Demarchelier for Vanity Fair, Stunning! (Image: Condé Nast, Vanity Fair)

Jonathan Lovekin Photographer

Eagerly awaited new book from the kitchen table of Yotam Ottolenghi with photographs by Jonathan Lovekin. I can't wait to see the results of this collaboration. I have been talking to Jonathan recently about all things digital and geeky alongside his passion for film. I'll have some answers to a list of questions soon about this and other ideas when Jonathan comes back from a shoot in Dorset with Mr.Greedy himself, Valentine Warner.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Accessories Now Making the 5D really usable.

There is a flood of accessories available for use with the Canon 5D. This is the RedRock Micro DSLR Cinema Bundle. Shown here with optional blue focus gears.
(photo courtesy of Redrock Micro) . Zacuto also make a range including what seems like a very good view finder. If you need to add a monitor, I've seen the Marshall 7 inch LCD HDMI which is bright and crisp and you can use it with either Canon or Sony V type batteries.

Carl Zeiss has launched a new series of compact prime lenses, for further reading see their release.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last Minutes With Odin.

Ciaran found this incredible and very moving short film.
Shot on the Canon 7D, it tells the story of Jason Woods' last moments with his dog before it has to be put down due to illness. I think it's beautifully shot and well edited.
Credits as follows,
Directed/Edited: Eliot Rausch
Director of Photography: Luke Korver, Matt Taylor
Song: Big Red Machine / Justin Vernon + Aaron Dessner

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oliver Comerford at the RHA

Maybe its becuase Oliver Commerford's painting look like the photographs I'd love to have taken but I'm really drawn to the work he has in the RHA at the moment. I wish I'd seen his work before. I'm off to research. There are some similarities in style with Colin Martin, another brilliant artist who's work I'm very fond of. Images copyright Colin Martin and Oliver Commerford. See also RHA site for Colin and Kevin Kavenagh Gallery for Oliver.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Have a look at Thomas Cooksey's amazing fashion photography. He's the consummate fashion photographer, YOUNG, HUNGRY and TALENTED.

Mike O'Toole Launches Photoparley

Mike has launched a blog where photographers can meet to discuss their work with like minded creative artists and professionals.
Contact Mike at 0862428882
or email mike@mikeotoole.com

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LeafAptus-11 10 Digital Back

LEAF have launched the most incredible digital camera back. Not only does it capture huge files but with it's new SensorFlex technology, allows you to shoot a variety of sizes and formats within the overall 9288 x 6000 pixel sensor size. So for shooting large format ads like 96 and 48 sheet formats the resolution provides great cropping potential (see approximate area image above). The big difference I find between PhaseOne and Hasselblad is the colour rendition especially with skin tone. If you don't want to routinely desaturate reds by 30-40% every time you shoot, you're going to love LEAF. I'm going over to Pear Tree Digital in London soon to try the system out with my Mamiya RZ kit. I'll let you know how it goes. Page image from http://www.leaf-photography.com/

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gary Coyle RHA,

Image Copyright Gary Coyle from the RHA website (see link below)
Gary Coyle is currently exhibiting at the RHA from 19 March – 2 May. If you get a chance, go in a have a look at this startling work. This particular set of images are C Type prints which I always think help to retain an analogue photographic quality. Any of you working in DDFH & B can see a large print of Gary's from this series in Paudge Donaghy's office!
>http://www.royalhibernianacademy.ie/ for further details and opening times.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

'Content Aware' with CS5

This could be very time saving but I'd really like to see in detail exactly WHAT Content Aware means in terms of the details. This clip is brought to you courtesy of Adobe and YouTube via my good friend Matthew Weinreb.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's Day Photos

Please post your best photo from today's parades. There may be judging! (but not from me)

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Food Photographer

The Genius of Jon Steed - Model Maker

Despite the very slightly 80's synth band spelling of his name (un-verified), he is actually something of a genius. Jon has been around probably as long as me and unlike me, maturing with age. Have a look at his web site for inspiration. I'm always banging on about finding a balance between retouching and crafting a real model to achieve certain visuals and here's why.

3 Mobile shoot in Killarney with Bill Hollingsworth

Welcome to my Blog. From time to time I hope to bring you details of projects I am working on with my assistant Ciaran. Hopefully we'll include some snaps taken on the various jobs we are doing and any other thoughts and feelings about photography, advertising and the creative life in general. I hope you will find the time to share your thoughts on all of the above too.

January and February were pretty quiet months but it's all recently kicked off with a campaign for 3 Mobile's sponsorship of this years Irish Open to be held in Killarney, Co Kerry. All I can say for now is BALLS, and plenty of them. I'll be adding some work in progress snaps from the shoot and of course the final images but only when the ads start to run.

In the mean time look out for work from 4FM (huge campaign), Rice Krispies and Bord Bia.